Accessing free eBooks and eAudiobooks from the Library has never been easier than with the Libby app! If you have a smartphone, tablet, or even just a computer browser with access to the
Internet, you can use Libby to read eBooks and listen to eAudiobooks at home, in the car, or whereover you happent to be. CLICK HERE to download the app directly, or HERE if you need some instructions to guide you.
West Dennis Free Public Library
260 Main Street (Route 28)
West Dennis, MA 02670
(508) 398-2050
The West Dennis Free Public Library welcomes all residents of West Dennis, Cape Cod, and
beyond to enjoy free and open resources for education and entertainment, as well as activities and spaces to promote village social interaction, research, and access to technology. Founded in
1920, our Library has served as the
cultural heart of our community for over 100 years.